All posts by phebe

First impressions

“This is one of those things where you think you have mentally prepared yourself for what you are going into but so many of the realities are unexpected, shocking and emotional. The change in culture is bigger than can be described. There are so many things I had never even considered I might struggle with.” – Bea

“After one week we can already tell that there are going to be ups and downs but getting to know the kids is really special and I am so excited and hopeful for what is going to happen whilst we’re here. I am especially looking forward to seeing progress in their schooling now that they have had good new teachers come to the school as many of them are so capable I can’t wait to help and to see an improvement.” – Abi

“After only a few days here, the realisation of the harsh reality of the so very obvious distinction between the rich and poor is astonishing. Two extremes under one government, country and nation. In the coming months I look forward to discovering this further and working closely with those on the lesser side of the scale, showing them the love they need to be accepted without judgement and how to make a life worth living.” – Molly

“No matter how prepared you think you are in coming into a situation like this, you are never fully ready mentally or emotionally to confront these realities face to face. When being completely immersed in a community of kids that have never known love, it becomes a very hard and bittersweet experience. After having been here only a week, I cannot wait to spend the next six months making as big a difference as I can.” – Laura

Meet the team!

So in two days me and three fantastic girls will be on our way to Pietermaritzburg in South Africa to spend six months working in a local orphanage. We will be sharing our stories and experiences here but before we go let’s tell you a bit about us…


My name is Phebe but I prefer to be called Bea (like a bumble bee). I currently live in Norwich but grew up in Cambridge, lived in America and was born in Reading – don’t ask me which is my favourite because I can’t decide. I am passionate about using sport to make a difference in people’s lives and I hope I will have the opportunity to do this in the next 6 months. I have been lucky enough to travel a lot and this has given me a spirit for adventure and challenges. I love autumn, the sun, people, scented candles, coffee, laughing and forest green. I sing in the middle of sentences, get excited about small things and quite often make myself laugh until my stomach hurts because of my bad dancing of accents.


My name is Laura, although if you’re English you’re probably pronouncing a completely different name (it’s Lowra). I was born and grew up in Spain until I was 16 when I moved to Ormskirk, where I am currently living. As an MK (missionary kid) I have not had a boring life. From being arrested in Turkey for feeding the poor to sharing Christmas with Moroccan street kids, or getting marriage proposals in the streets of Ethiopia. I am bilingual and passionate about languages. I enjoy fully immersing myself in different cultures. I love travelling but hate being a tourist. I am a people person and an art, drama and coffee enthusiast. I treasure family. I have a heart for kids in need. I am motivated by love and compassion. I will be going on to study French and International Development at uni in September, and I am buzzing about what these next six months have in store!


I’m Abi and I live in Oxfordshire. I grew up on a farm with my 3 brothers, 4 dogs and about 9000 chicken (crazy – I know). I have taken Level 1 in sign language and since finishing 6th form I have been working in a care home. Next year I will be studying Psychology and Education at uni. I have been to Zambia a few years ago on a mission trip with my school and have wanted to come back to Africa ever since. I love working with children so i am looking forward to working in the orphanage and I am so excited for what these next 6 months will bring us!


My name is Molly and I’m from Northern Ireland. I’m born on New Years Day (not as cool as it sounds) and am the youngest of 3 other siblings. I am a lover of coffee, sunsets and all things music – give me a piano and I’ll be playing it all day long. I enjoy all kinds of sport (although karate is my speciality despite my deceivingly petite build), trying new things and going on exciting new adventures. I am looking forward to using both music and sport in unique ways to serve over the next 6 months.

Positive mindset

So I may be about to leave home and technically an adult but I now understand why people worry about whether I am capable of looking after myself. This morning I managed to pour orange juice into my coffee (I wasn’t sure if this was just because I was not paying attention or was really tired). I did not make a new coffee because I thought it would be bad to waste it, but then after burning my fingers on the pop tart which had just come out of the toaster, I slipped on my flip-flops so I wasn’t late, managed to forget the disastrous coffee (this may have been a blessing in disguise), found out my footwear decision was not the best choice as it was raining (I also realized a little too late that wearing jeans and a very large sweater with flip flops is not the best fashion choice).

But then I remembered a quote I read the other day. “Wake up in the morning with a positive mindset and joyful heart. Be determined that it will be a glorious day.” I really appreciated the rain today – the weather has started to cool down during October and with all the leaves changing color and falling off the trees there was something very refreshing. Not to mention it reminded me of home. I have put my mini pumpkins on the porch because then every time we get back home I see them smiling back at me and it makes me happy.

It is important for me to always remind myself that so many of my emotions can be controlled by my decisions and my mind. ‘Success depends less on strength of body, than upon strength of mind and character’. This is seen so clearly with me when I go running; my attitude determines my results. When I run it isn’t about whether my body can stand it, it’s whether I can convince my mind to keep going. Just remember, we can win any battle if we make the mind run the body. If we let the body tell the mind what to do, it will always give up. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired!

I got a job ready for the couple of months over Christmas so now I have a confirmed income to earn some more money to pay for my trip. I am so blessed! I also got to Skype my lovely family and wish my no longer baby sister a happy 18th birthday.

My time here seems to have flown by and now it seems like I have hardly any time left here. The longer I am here, the more comfortable I am and the more things I have that I can do but the less time I have. Strange concept. Friday night I went to see a movie at the theater (translated to english this sentence is ‘went to see a film at the cinema’). Sunday; Henry made me a very large, very American breakfast, we then went out for lunch after church, which was followed by a birthday get together where Chipotle was being served. I am still not sure whether it is a good thing that I can’t finish portions here! I do have my own shelf in the fridge of leftovers from all the meals I haven’t been able to finish. Typically as we were eating Chinese takeout the other night I managed (don’t ask me how because I have no idea) to flick rice into my face and all over the couch as I opened my container (don’t ask me why it is always me, I ask myself the same thing) and then I was laughing so much I choked on a grain of rice. Maybe one day I will learn to be polite and elegant…

“Be happy for no reason, like a child. If you are happy for a reason, you’re in trouble, because that reason can be taken from you.”

Beauty of nature

There is a saying ‘You only regret the chances you didn’t take’ and while I don’t necessarily believe that is completely true it does highlight something to me about how I want to try and live. I don’t want to be the person who looks back and wishes I had taken more risks and just done more. I don’t want to let life just pass without enjoying every moment I can. I want to really live. That’s why I have decided to say yes to things even if I don’t know where they will take me. In the end whatever happens at least I will have a story to tell right?!

My alarm went off at 6am yesterday morning. I wanted to see the lunar eclipse. The blood moon. So at 6:05am I was standing in the driveway in my PJ’s, with my camera (probably looking like a total lunatic) in the silence of the early morning watching the night sky. After 20 minutes of standing  out there my feet were frozen (when I woke up my brain obviously wasn’t functioning properly yet as it didn’t cross my mind to put socks or shoes on to go outside) but I hardly noticed because it was so beautiful. The slither of the white moon slowly getting smaller until the full moon was a deep red. It’s times like those when I feel a connection with nature and it completely amazes me how perfectly complex and exact God created our world to be.

Friendships are precious things and I’m so thankful I have the opportunity to spend time with so many different types and ages of people. Matt took me back to Hallmark to get the pumpkin hat (after how much I embarrassed him last time this was a miracle, although he did make sure I was aware that he was not taking me out in public if I was wearing the hat) and he even helped me count out the coins I needed (I really can’t work out American change). We proceeded to sing very loudly, a little bit out of tune, and me (according to Matt, although I disagree) getting most of the words wrong all the way home.

I got treated to dinner Tuesday evening by Jim and Debbie. It was so nice to catch up. They said how rare it was that people my age would be comfortable going out with their parents friends, but I guess it’s the same as conversing with anyone. Plus I have grown up with them pretty much.

I have been incredibly humbled by how much support and encouragement I have recieved from friends and family with fundraising and gap year plans. It is something so special to have people believe in me and what I am doing and to know they think I am worth backing. I have no doubt that God will provide the funds for me to go but it wouldn’t be possible without everyone’s generosity. I am over halfway to the target now so THANK YOU!

Do something daily

For me the key to doing exercise and being active is being with friends and not taking yourself too seriously. Although I have been working out in the home gym, that is always by myself and so when I got asked to go to Zumba with Mary-Louise and her sisters on Thursday I jumped at the chance. I am not a good dancer at the best of times – I think Mima inherited that talent rather than me – but it didn’t seem to matter and we had such a laugh. It reminded me how powerful sport can be in bringing people together and fired me up again about being able to spend six months in South Africa using it to impact lives. I have also been thinking about starting a boot-camp course over Christmas to help raise a bit of extra money for those who want to keep fit.

I also added two more firsts onto my list this weekend. I drove an automatic car (a BMW no less) on the wrong/right side of the road, whichever way you look at it (thinking about it I’m not sure if this counts as two firsts or one, if it’s two then please edit the first sentence to ‘three more firsts’). I managed to stop at a stop sign, give way to traffic and stay on the road (although only just as I had to keep being reminded to stay closer to the middle of the road otherwise we would be in the grass very soon). And I didn’t damage the car or injure anyone (that’s always a bonus). Doing this reminded me how important it is to step out of our comfort zones otherwise we could miss out on a lot of awesome things in life. Although it scared me, I’m so glad I had the experience. “Do one thing every day that scares you.” – Eleanor Roosevelt.

My second/third (delete as appropriate according to your opinion on the previous paragraph) first (that is very confusing, I apologise) that I experienced this weekend was a baby shower! Baby showers are not a big thing in England, not like here anyway. It was very cute; there were baby related games, food, presents and lovely decorations. We even got free stuff to take home (I realise it was supposed to be celebrating the baby and all but it felt a bit like my birthday all over again, not complaining!). The theme was mustaches and so everyone brought the baby-to-be dummies (or pacifiers depending on where you are from) with mustaches on, highly entertaining.

I now have a ‘pumpkin list’. All the pumpkin related experiences and things I have tried. So far I have eaten; pumpkin pie pop tarts, pumpkin spiced pancakes, pumpkin sloppy joes, pumpkin pie ice-cream, pumpkin lava cake, cookies shaped like pumpkins, pumpkin bagel with pumpkin spiced cream cheese, a pumpkin smoothie and had several pumpkin spiced latte’s. I have also bought mini pumpkins, tried on  pumpkin hat and used pumpkin smelling body wash, lotion and spray. It is now my challenge that each day I aim to try something new based on pumpkins. Because why not make the most of it while I am here?! It got me thinking, if I set myself that challenge in my every day life and let it shape how I live, how much more could I achieve. So I challenge you also to decide on one thing you are going to do each day; it could be encourage someone every day, or use an opportunity to talk about your faith each day, or do something meaningful whatever that may be, or to do something that scares you and pushes you out of your comfort zone, as the quote said earlier (if for some reason you got bored and skipped to the last paragraph, now you are going to regret it because you won’t know what I am going on about. Lesson for you – don’t be rude and read the whole thing without trying to take shortcuts). I guarantee that whatever you choose will start to become an automatic priority and you will feel so much more fulfilled.

Why I love Fall

So, as it is now October, I think it is acceptable for me to write an Autumn appreciation post. I can’t ever decide which season is the best (I have been told I just like whichever one we are in at the moment) but right now I could not love Fall any more. And it’s not just because of the pumpkins (although they do make it even better!)

Things I love about Fall; I love it as the weather starts to cool down. The crisp air which means you can start to wrap up, and eventually get the scarves and hats out. I love wearing jeans and jumpers (that would be sweaters to you Americans reading) and boots. I love that I can layer up and live in hoodies. I love seeing the leaves change color and fall off the trees. I love all the ‘Autumn’ colors; the deep greens and browns and oranges and reds. It’s as if nature has been saving itself for a grand finale and everything looks beautiful. I love acorns and finding conkers, and roasted chestnuts. I love all the seasonal tastes. Cinnamon and everything pumpkin-flavoured (oh come on I had to mention it)! I love going out for evening walks and coming back with flushed cheeks and being able to snuggle up with hot chocolate. I love everyone getting excited about Halloween, and fireworks night, then about Thanksgiving and finally all the Christmas hype. And I love how all these holidays bring time with family and friends.  I love warm fires, whether it’s a bonfire outside toasting marshmallows or a little fireplace which you sit by and watch a movie. I love all the comforting food; seasonal fruit and veg, stews and casserole, donuts, salted caramel, apple pie, caramel apples and s’mores. And I love the fact you can enjoy that food without having to worry about baring the bikini body because you’ll be wearing all the chunky knitwear. I love when it starts to get dark earlier and there are fairy lights in trees and on houses. I love fireworks and sparklers on November 5th, and on other days too! I love lighting candles which make the room smell of cinnamon, leaves, cedar or apple spice. I love the noise of walking on leaves when they crunch and jumping in piles of leaves after they have been raked. I love pumpkin carving and seeing the spooky faces glowing from people’s windows or doorsteps. I love the smell when it has just rained and the glow off the pavement from the street lights. I love waking up in the middle of the night hearing thunder and rain when you’re all cosy in bed. I love being able to bring a hot water bottle to bed and climb in under two duvets. I love that we get an extra hour in bed when the clocks go back. I love that bubble baths are justified (sometimes even candlelit ones). I love that fun fairs and markets are open. I love that football season starts again, whether I’m playing, watching or coaching, the atmosphere is amazing.

So whether you love summer and feel sad when the evenings start getting shorter and the weather colder, or you are already in love with autumn and are just as excited as me, just remember all the beautiful things that this time of year has to offer…

“Autumn. The year’s last, loveliest smile.” – William Cullen Bryant








Pumpkin sloppy joes

So carrying on with my pumpkin obsession Matt and I decided to cook ‘Pumpkin Sloppy Joes’ for dinner. We went out in search of the ingredients; of which canned pumpkin was one. After searching in the canned fruit and then canned vegetable aisles as well as the seasonal section we decided we should probably ask someone (the initial suggestion was actually to roam all 25 aisles in the hope we found it but then we realised that would probably take us most of the afternoon). So after ten minutes of walking around the store and asking probably most of the workers we could see (none of which seemed to realise that canned pumpkin is an actual item sold in their store) we eventually got shown to the baking aisle (which we had already walked up and down several times) and the ever-so-helpful shop assistant pointed out the rather large pyramid of cans on display with a rather large sign on. Matt found it highly embarrassing while I couldn’t contain my hysterics.

While he was getting the groceries out of the car, I went to let us into the house only to find the door was already open. I proceeded to freak out about this (in my head the only explanation was that there was probably a serial killer in the house) until to my surprise the neighbour who walks the dog came round the corner and apologised profusely for scaring me. I blame the pumpkin escapade for making me hysterical. What a day of amusing adventures. I have to say dinner turned out pretty good after all that though!

Thought for the day: It is easy to get stuck in a routine of predictable, comfortable living. “whenever we have the opportunity, we have to do what is good” Galatians 6:10. If we are closed to spontaneously seizing the moment we will gather dust. Let’s keep an eye out for those seemingly small opportunities we are provided with and make the most of them!